diplomarbeit  master thesis

it's f***ing contextual!“
inspired by Skunk Anansie

lead like rivers
into the heart of the
concrete sea.“
Petros Markaris

is a sea of buildings
in a seemingly
planned grid.

„Public space
is what is left

„The City
lives and develops
within its history.“
Aldo Rossi

„The buildings
are not architectural
perfect objects,
but are structures
which are being shaped
by their users.“
Giorgos Simeoforidis

le corbusier

„Modern 'Urbanism'
intends the opposite
of urbanity.“
Wilhelm Kücker

Greek Face of Modernism:
Between functional rationalism
and critical regionalism.

you remove the signs,
there is no city left.
Robert Venturi and Denise Scot Brown

is a language with a distinct
grammar: you can use language as
prose in every-day life
and, if you are really good,
you may be a poet.“
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe

„The Sign
High-rise stands for
internationality at the specific site.
The artificial meets Genius loci.“
Friedrich Achleitner

„The typical skyscraper,
a tall building
standing in a degree of isolation,
attracts its own inhabitants
but limits direct communication
with others.“
Rem Koolhaas

„They are immature,
not yet
Le Corbusier

is more.
Mies van der Rohe

„Those buildings
stumble from
fashion to fashion.“
Ada L. Huxtable

„The architecture
is completely
by an icon,
that reminds of it.“

„The commercial signs
cover whole buildings,
they climb the roofs
trying to demonstrate their
dominance over

„Public space
is a
pictural space.“
Werner Fenz

„In the urban picture overkill
of architectonical images,
images of architecture and
illustrated architecture,
individual messages disappear.
And with them disappears

white void instead of
white noise.“


theory  flipping-through
design  children of piraeus  horizontal and vertical  space: connecting  activation and identity  image: (un)cover
photoessay: perfected imperfection  poster

martin grabner  biography  legal    // coming soon: scientific interests     martingrabnercomfotografie